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The Nicula Abbey Glass painting Camp and Exhibition


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The goal of the camp is the revitalization of the tradition of painting Madonna on glass in Nicula. This center was considered the most representative on in Transylvania since the Madonna made here could be found in the most remote private collections and museums. The participants are instructed by monks who paint monasteries. Courses about the theory and practice of Madonna painting are held on a daily basis in the mornings while in the afternoons the participants visit the major touristic landmarks and other creative activities take place.
Lately in schools from the provinces the interest for the teaching and study of traditional crafts has emerged, that of textile art, weaving and embroidery, woodwork, pottery, metalwork but mainly that of painting on glass. The camp of Nicula is venue both for recreation and leisure and also for getting acquainted with the sacred abodes. It demonstrates the opportunity of blending in educational activities with artistic and religious ones, the enhancement of love for work, for the home, of the heritages left by the forerunners from generation to generation.
Grace and art found in painted Madonna does not represent anything else than the continuation of an old tradition that the residents of Nicula together with the priests have developed along the years. It is an art doomed to extinction but one which should not disappear. This is the message you can read on the faces of children who come here every year from all over the country to take part in the courses offered, courses which are held every year in the school building of Nicula. Originating from Bohemia, Austria and Bavaria, the technique of painting on glass invaded Transylvania due to the knowledge and skill of the painting masters of Nicula. Thus we can conclude that the faith, art and talent of the yearly participants at this camp have interwoven perfectly with the promotion and forsake of glass painting techniques.